About GENIHAM Consultants Ltd (GENIHAM)
Business, Agriculture, social-economic Development Consultants.
GENIHAM Consultants Ltd (GENIHAM) is a consultancy firm that was incorporated in Tanzania under Companies Act 2002 of the Laws of Tanzania as a Limited Company in September 2017. GENIHAM was established with an objective of providing quality and insightful research, training and consultancy services in the agriculture and rural development, finance and economic development, business development, water and irrigation, energy and social sectors. GENIHAM has its offices at Bomani area Block 01Plot LD in Singida Municipality.
GENIHAM brings together a wealth of professional skills and experience gained by its staff and associates over the years through involvement in many different types of consultancies and development projects within Tanzania, East Africa and the African continent at large.
The staff and associates have worked extensively for clients in the public (Government), private, and civil society (INGOs and NGOs) sectors in Tanzania and elsewhere in Africa and thus able to meet the objectives and expectations of the broad spectrum of our clients and stakeholders. The associates have also been involved in projects financed by a number of local and international donors/financiers and are thus aware of the requirements and conditions of these donors/financiers.